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This month we have Peripheral Hypertonic Saline | RCEM Learning Disability Toolkit | EM at the Deep End | New in EM: Double Sequential Defibrillation for Refractory VF (Dose-VF Trial) | New Online
A 29-year-old male is working a shift behind the bar and complains of feeling dizzy. He collapses and makes a quick recovery. This is not the first time.
A 30-year-old woman presents to the ED with nausea and vomiting for the last 3 days. Her urinary pregnancy test is positive.
An adult presents with a variety of symptoms. Can you identify and treat the electrolyte disturbance?
A 30-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency department (ED) by ambulance with a sudden onset of severe right flank pain over the previous 6 hours.
A set of 10 SBA sample questions to help you revise. The questions have been selected at random covering the curriculum.
This was originally published as part of the medical student iBook. We’ve reproduced it here with some additions as we think it’s great, and as much as this is written from a medical student perspective, it could be a new FY2 or a new nurse - or an old hand. 
Is it time to ditch ‘Aspiration Pneumonia’ and replace it with ‘Frailty Associated Pneumonia’?
Adult and paediatric patients being directly discharged from the emergency department.