Fractured Neck of Femur
…lesser trochanter fractured (Fig 2) A four-part fracture is similar to a three-part fracture, but with fractures of both the greater and lesser trochanters
…lesser trochanter fractured (Fig 2) A four-part fracture is similar to a three-part fracture, but with fractures of both the greater and lesser trochanters
…X-ray findings, i.e. the X-ray doesn’t show a distal radial fracture then you may have clinically missed something. Think scaphoid, forearm shaft, dislocation, other
…However, you have to know when (and if) any sciatic nerve injury took place. If you can’t see a fracture on the plain film,
…Bohler’s angle Fractures of the calcaneum are the commonest tarsal fractures and usually classified into: Extra-articular not involving the subtalar joint Intra-articular fractures involving
…of an associated ulna fracture. Galeazzi fracture-dislocation A Galeazzi fracture-dislocation injury consists of a radius fracture in combination with dislocation of the inferior radio-ulnar
…fracture. Nasal bone fracture The nasal bones are easily fractured due to them being broad and flat, but proximal nasal bone fracture may be
…not always easy to diagnose. The majority of fractures are caused by falls in the elderly and the fracture usually occurs through osteoporotic bone.
…Specific management of mandibular fracture is complex and it is therefore recommended that all patients are discussed with a maxillofacial surgeon. Factors which will
…a bone (plastic deformation) Fig 1: Plastic ‘bowing’ fracture An incomplete fracture (greenstick) fracture Fig 2: Greenstick fracture Buckle fractures Fig 3: Buckle fracture
…will often determine how bones get injured i.e. younger children will often bend rather than break their bones. Therefore, you will see injuries that
…with sudden muscular contraction. Common sites are ASIS/AIIS/Pubis) Direct fracture (Usually from a low impact fall. Common sites are the iliac crest or ischium)
…fractures these are a rare injury. The manipulation of the fracture is similar to that of a Colles’ fracture but all the directions are