Patients with airway compromise need prompt recognition and correction using basic airway techniques.…
Patients with airway compromise need prompt recognition and correction using basic airway techniques.…
Patients with airway compromise need prompt recognition and correction using basic airway techniques. These are essential skills for emergency physicians and will be covered in this session.…
This session covers indications for Propofol sedation identifying suitable patients and those at higher risk of adverse events, a standardised procedure for Propofol sedation (protocol), strategies fo…
This blog discusses the preparation, assessment and management of the patients presenting with maxillofacial injuries.…
A 5-week term baby is brought in by his parents with a 24-hour history of poor feeding. No fever or infective features.…
This module covers indications for Propofol sedation identifying suitable patients and those at higher risk of adverse events, a standardised procedure for Propofol sedation (protocol), strategies for…
This session is based upon the RCEM College Best Practice guideline on Ketamine Procedural Sedation for Children in the Emergency Department.…
This module is based upon the RCEM College Best Practice guideline on Ketamine Procedural Sedation for Children in the Emergency Department.…
This month we have: Blood biomarkers and algorithms and fever duration in febrile infants, Guidelines for EM – Sickle Cell Disease (Part Two), Absorbable vs non-absorbable sutures in facial lace…
Best practice standards for safe procedural sedation. Includes choice of pharmacological agents and suggested doses. Sets out recommended staffing, competencies, monitoring, location, and discharge cr…
The principles of how to safely perform invasive procedures in the Emergency Department, including the use of checklists.…
A 67-year-old man presents with shortness of breath and fever. He has recently completed his first 2 week chemotherapy course for auricular Squamous Cell Carcinoma, administered via a PICC line.…
This session provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-pro…
This module provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-proc…
Cardiac arrest in pregnancy is a potential presentation to the emergency department. If it happens, you are likely to be cognitively overloaded.…
Suspected VTE is a common presentation in the ED, yet investigation and management of these conditions remains a challenge.…
In the past, paediatric lacerations requiring sutures often required admission and a general anaesthetic for wound closure. This blog looks at how we can provide timely, cost effective and acceptable …
An update on the 2023 guidelines for management of pneumothorax.…
A 25-year-old male patient presents to the emergency department with a history of nosebleeds when he presses his forehead.…
A 76-year-old presents with abdominal pain. He is clinically shocked (hypotensive and tachycardic) with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm.…