The smooth we have Staff turnover and mortality | Acute kidney injury | The FIDO Study (Assessment of febrile infants) | New Online…
The smooth we have Staff turnover and mortality | Acute kidney injury | The FIDO Study (Assessment of febrile infants) | New Online…
12% of ED attendances are related to domestic abuse. ED physicians are in a unique position to identify these cases.…
It can be easy to be overwhelmed initially by the fact that you have now become the clinician who the buck stops with…
In undertaking emergency medical or rescue work the helicopter and its crew may operate under difficult conditions but safety must underpin all missions.
This module covers aspects of helicopter safet…
In undertaking emergency medical or rescue work the helicopter and its crew may operate under difficult conditions but safety must underpin all missions.
This session covers aspects of helicopter safe…
Bullying is something that an unacceptably high number of healthcare workers will experience. Despite priding itself in being a friendly specialty with a flattened hierarchy, those working in emergenc…
A 63-year-old man, who speaks only Hindi, is brought to the ED due to acute confusion and aggressive behaviour.…
This is a section on communication skills that we have updated and reprinted from our medical student iBook.…
A 19-year-old student attends the ED (accompanied by a friend) and, at triage, complains of abdominal pain.…
A patient with a prior diagnosis of EUPD is brought to the ED by a friend because he has cut his arm with a Stanley Knife.…
This month we have Peripheral Hypertonic Saline | RCEM Learning Disability Toolkit | EM at the Deep End | New in EM: Double Sequential Defibrillation for Refractory VF (Dose-VF Trial) | New Online…
A 30-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency department (ED) by ambulance with a sudden onset of severe right flank pain over the previous 6 hours.…
This was originally published as part of the medical student iBook. We’ve reproduced it here with some additions as we think it’s great, and as much as this is written from a medical student perspecti…
A 51-year-old who presents profoundly unconscious.…
Adult and paediatric patients being directly discharged from the emergency department.…
A patient with moderate learning disability is brought in by their father because he has suddenly become aggressive.…
This blog aims to introduce some concepts around bad or difficult news, link to some structures for delivering bad news, and hopefully stimulate some further thoughts and discussions.…
The legal aspects of Emergency Medicine can be difficult and often a trainee spends less time reading about these, unless a specific situation arises in work.…
This case discusses a young woman who presents to the ED at 11/40 gestation with intractable vomiting and altered mental status for three days.…
Let’s Talk About Risk…