Preparing for exams and trying to find an SBA on organ donation?
The law around organ donation has changed; refresh your knowledge with this SBA.…

Preparing for exams and trying to find an SBA on organ donation?
The law around organ donation has changed; refresh your knowledge with this SBA.…
Struggling to negotiate CT imaging requests for your paediatric patients? Let the guiding principles of ALARA come to your rescue!…
A 79-year-old male was admitted to the Clinical Decisions Unit (CDU) following a fall. Was he kept safe?…
What will you do when your weekend shift in the Paediatric ED turns into seeing a stream of yellow babies?…
This session will explain what is meant by the term Human Factors and describe how Human Factors affect Patient Safety.…
This session will explain what is meant by the term Human Factors and describe how Human Factors affect Patient Safety.…
The dark side of PEM, and what should also be on your differential diagnosis for any patient you are seeing is: “was this inflicted” and “is there something more?”…
Burnout is increasing – but is it what you think?…
Research has shown that overcrowded EDs are less safe for the patients they care for.…
Handover of critical care patients carries significant potential risk. Misunderstanding, misinterpretation or omitted information can have significant adverse impact on patient outcome.…
Handover of critical care patients carries significant potential risk. Misunderstanding, misinterpretation or omitted information can have significant adverse impact on patient outcome.…
Are you supporting your overseas team as much as you could? Inspired by the RCEMLearning blog, here are some questions.…
This question is aimed at ST3 and above. It is best taken after completing the Human Factors knowledge based session.…
DNA CPR confuses many but is a very important area to get right.…
Burnout is a specific term used to describe one aspect of mental health. Much research has been done on the mental health and wellbeing of emergency teams.…
I didn’t realise I was burned out until I was properly scorched. I’d been close before, but thought I was doing ok this time.…
Your receive a pre-alert call from the air ambulance team who are bringing a 32-year-old male who has sustained a single stab wound to the epigastrium whilst outside a pub…
You are in charge of a congested department. Multiple ambulances have just arrived and you need to triage them to your clinical areas…
So you are thinking of acting up? CONGRATULATIONS – it means the end of your training is in sight. According to the RCEM guidance, you would need to have passed FRCEM and be in the final year of…
This morning I had a phone call from the police. He said that last night a man was filmed on CCTV smashing the windows of two police cars parked outside the local police station…