A 4-year-old child attends the ED with some spots on her arm which look inflamed and have become more numerous over the last week.
A 15-month-old presents to your ED with a rash and swelling on both legs and feet. The patient has a mild fever but is otherwise well.
Many of us in the UK EM will have gone most of our careers without seeing any confirmed cases of measles. Vaccination rates have been dropping though, so measles is back in our departments and has to be in our differential diagnosis list.
Angioedema and Urticaria (hives) are part of a spectrum of allergic symptoms and occasionally have a non-allergic aetiology.
An 11-year-old boy has reattended for the 3rd time with blistering skin lesions.
A previously healthy patient presents with a rapid onset illness, with fever, rash and tachycardia - what could be the culprit?
A 63-year-old male walks into the Emergency Department with elbow and forearm pain and initially appears well.
This session covers the correct procedure for a thorough and comprehensive dermatological examination to allow the correct diagnosis of patients presenting to the ED with dermatological conditions.
This module covers the correct procedure for a thorough and comprehensive dermatological examination to allow the correct diagnosis of patients presenting to the ED with dermatological conditions.
Lyme disease is a spirochete infection transmitted by ticks. ED presentation, although rare, is important to identify to enable early treatment
Group A Streptococcus is responsible for many skin and soft tissue infections, which can be identified based on the appearance of the associated skin rashes.
Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but severe soft tissue infection that requires a high index of suspicion for diagnosis in the ED.