Author: Simon Carley / Codes: / Published: 23/04/2020
CMO approved and NIHR supported COVID-19 studies
TERN homepage and CERA information
Clotting and COVID-19 from St Emlyn’s
Author: Simon Carley / Codes: / Published: 23/04/2020
CMO approved and NIHR supported COVID-19 studies
TERN homepage and CERA information
Clotting and COVID-19 from St Emlyn’s
RCEMLearning Coronavirus, COVID19, tips and resources
In the online journal club and CPD bulletins (also published here on RCEM Learning) we focus on a small number of papers. There are of course more submitted than we can accommodate
It's tough keeping up to date with the ever changing world of Covid19. Whilst we are all working hard at treating patients in the ED and ICU, we also need to try and keep up to date with new evidence coming out all the time