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Authors: Nikki Abela, Chris Connolly, Craig Davidson / Codes: RP3, SLO10, XC1 / Published: 22/09/2016

The weather turned sour this morning, but this did not dampen the conference mood.

Ken Milne ensured a wide-eyed wake up for those present for the first lecture, when he talked about dogmalysis in typical Ken-matched music style.

To those of us who subscribe to the SGEM, this thinking will not be new. But Ken continued to encourage the audience to use SoMe and review the literature on common beliefs, remain skeptical and challenge them. Three examples he used:

  1. Topical tetracaine for corneal abrasions
  2. Antipyretics to reduce chance of febrile seizures
  3. LPs post-CT for SAH

He was followed on by the excellent Zack Shinar, who inspired the audience to think about novel practises which are becoming game-changers in EM.

Zack talked about how they introduced ED ECMO in his department, and the change this has instilled in their practise. Not only because they were able to offer ECMO, but surprisingly, they found a significant increase in positive cardiac arrests outcomes were not due to being put on ECMO (as this was only a small proportion of the arrests), but because of marginal gains – small but important changes in how they ran the arrests.

Youri Yordanov followed on with lessons learned from the Paris attacks. It is difficult to summarise what this Parisian doctor taught us from this horrific experience and we really suggest you have a listen to St.Emlyn’s podcast with him.

That’s it from us from Bournemouth. The weather has taken a turn for the better and the sun is shining.

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