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Authors: John Hinds, Dave Mcreary, Andy Neill / Codes: RP4, SLO1 / Published: 27/02/2015

We managed to grab John Hinds after his fantastic talk on airway management in the ED at the RCEM Spring CPD conference.

At a time in which EM is establishing its position in airway management and developing strategies to advance care for patients in the Resuscitation room John gave us some fantastic advice on his approach to RSI. He talked about establishing strong working with Anaesthetics and ITU and working together to promote best patient care.

There were loads of take home messages including the importance of an RSI checklist (every time), issues around drugs choices for RSI and not only having a plan for the can’t intubate can’t ventilate scenario but most importantly ensuring it can be implemented swiftly and effectively.

Enjoy the podcast!