Authors: Dave McCreary, Gareth Davies /Â Code: RP4, RP8, SLO3 / Published: 01/09/2014
Interview with Dr Gareth Davies: London’s Air Ambulance (@LNDairamb), about an emerging treatment coming to your ED soon.
The content you’re about to read or listen to is at least two years old, which means evidence and guidelines may have changed since it was originally published. This content item won’t be edited but there will be a newer version published if warranted. Check the new publications and curriculum map for updates
Authors: Dave McCreary, Gareth Davies /Â Code: RP4, RP8, SLO3 / Published: 01/09/2014
Interview with Dr Gareth Davies: London’s Air Ambulance (@LNDairamb), about an emerging treatment coming to your ED soon.
Top 10 Trauma Papers 2014-15
The blog explores the core themes of health inequalities, patient safety and emergency culture that were emphasised at the conference.
RCEM '15 in Manchester has been a sell out! So for those of you that weren't lucky enough to be here, here's what's been going on on Day 2!