A 9-year-old girl presents to the ED with a persistent egg shaped swelling on her forehead following a seemingly minor head injury two weeks ago.
This blog discusses the preparation, assessment and management of the patients presenting with maxillofacial injuries.
This guideline sets out the standards for timeliness of provision of analgesia and provides an approach to the delivery of analgesia for adult patients presenting to the ED.
This month we have: Blood biomarkers and algorithms and fever duration in febrile infants, Guidelines for EM - Sickle Cell Disease (Part Two), Absorbable vs non-absorbable sutures in facial lacerations and New Online.
This 18-year-old patient was allegedly punched by a stranger during a night out.
This session describes the different types of dental infection and the pathophysiology of their development.
This module describes the different types of dental infection and the pathophysiology of their development.
This session covers the assessment, treatment and management of patients presenting to the ED with primary blast injuries.
This module covers the assessment, treatment and management of patients presenting to the ED with primary blast injuries.
A 32-year-old gentleman presents to the ED following a cricket ball impact to his left eye.
A 70-year-old gentleman presents to the ED with pain in left lower jaw, worsening over the last 3 days.
A woman presents with 10/10 eye pain. Consider what could be going on, rule out the red flags and address her urgent concerns!