Four Grades of Encephalopathy

Managing the four grades of encephalopathy [1]:

Grades I and II



Grade I Changes in behaviour with minimal change in level of consciousness
Grade II Gross disorientation, drowsiness, possibly asterixis, inappropriate behaviour


  • Consider listing for transplant and transfer to tertiary referral centre
  • Consider CT to rule out other causes
  • Avoid stimulation (can raise intracranial pressure) and sedatives
  • Monitor and treat any infection
  • Consider lactulose (thought to play a role in reducing ammonia load thereby preventing worsening of encephalopathy)

Grades III and IV



Grade III Marked confusion, incoherent speech, sleeping most of the time but rousable to vocal stimuli
Grade IV Comatose, unresponsive to pain, decorticate or decerebrate posturing


  • Intubation and sedation
  • Head elevation
  • Consider ICP monitor if listed for transplant
  • Treat seizures
  • Mannitol and hyperventilation only if herniation imminent or severe raised ICP
  • Barbiturates for refractory raised ICP