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The safe weekly alcohol limit is?
Which question is not used as a screening tool for worrying drinking habits?
A 57-year-old male is brought to your emergency department (ED). He is cachexic with a temperature of 37.8oC.. He is vomiting and has a tender mass in his right upper quadrant. You note he is has yellow sclera and spider naevi.
A likely differential diagnosis is:
Routine blood tests come back for your patient:
(Normal values: bilrubin 3-17 µmol/L, GGT 11-51 iu/L, ALP 30-150 u/L, AST 3-35 iu/L, ALT 5-35 iu/L, MCV 76-96 fL)
Which one of the following would alert you to a possible diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease (ALD)?
Which one of the following is NOT a risk factor for the development of ALD?
A 65-year-old male presents to the ED with abnormal LFTs. On questioning he admits to prolonged heavy alcohol intake. An ultrasound scan reveals fatty liver.
With regard to prognosis, which one of the following is correct?
A 55-year-old male with known chronic alcohol abuse presents to the ED with confusion. You note an ataxic gate and nystagmus on examination.
With regard to Wernike’s encephalopathy which one of the following is correct?
With regard to the pathophysiology of ALD, which one of the following is correct?
In the diagnosis and management of alcoholic hepatitis, which one of the following is correct?
Which one of the following is NOT correct regarding management of liver disease patients?
v useful
Good revision
Good summary of essentials in ALD