Comparison of Clinical Cognitive Assessments

Table 1: Comparison of the features of clinical cognitive assessments
Features of the test Test
MMSE 6-CIT GPCOG 7-minute screen Mini-cog TYM
Time taken (minutes) 7 3-4 <4 7 3 5
Positive LR 6.3 7.3 4.8 4.7 13 6.6
Negative LR 0.19 0.15 0.22 0.09 0.25 0.07
Persons underaking the assesment Doctor and patient Doctor and patient Doctor, patient and carer Doctor and patient Doctor and patient Self-administered by the patient
Reading and writing skills Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Best possible score 30/30 0/28 15/15 8/8 50/50
Score suggestive of dementia 23/30 8/28 11/15 Each score is summed with a log regression formula to convert to risk of dementia 5/8 42/50