Patients with suspected or confirmed brugada syndrome should ideally be on continuous cardiac monitoring to allow treatment of any arrhythmia promptly (following ALS guidelines).
If a patient presents with syncope and a precipitating cause such as fever is suspected, then it is important to aggressively treat this to prevent malignant arrhythmias.
Patients with suspected Brugada syndrome (typical ECG and symtpoms) should be admitted with ongoing telemetry monitoring.
In patients with Brugada pattern (no symptoms), obtain a cardiology consultation to decide on appropriate management; admit or discharge for outpatient management e.g. provocative testing.
When treating patients with known Brugada, consider if drugs prescribed for other illnesses are safe. Drugs to avoid include antidepressants, antiarrhythmics (especially from Class 1), some local anesthetics, and propofol. For more information, refer to