Author: Tanzeela Mariam Shuja, Shuja Ul Latif / Editor: Steve Corry-Bass / Codes: EnC3, MuC4, MuP2, SLO1 / Published: 04/07/2022

A 45-year-old gentleman presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of pain and numbness of his left leg for the past 3 days. He has a history of uncontrolled Diabetes, for which he’s been taking metformin and insulin, and hypertension treated with lisinopril.

He describes the pain as burning in nature that started suddenly, followed by numbness in the lateral aspect of his left thigh. The pain is mildly relieved by taking paracetamol. The pain gets worse when walking. His BMI is 37kg/m2.

Observations: afebrile, BP 140/86 mmHg, RR 20, HR 82. RBS 15

Numbness in the anterolateral aspect of left thigh. No muscle wasting, no fasciculations.

Tone: normal

Power: 5/5 in both lower limbs

Reflexes: intact  SLR: negative