Perform a lumber puncture (LP) if there are no contraindications and the investigation does not delay critical treatment such as antibiotic therapy.
Indications: sepsis/bacterial meningitis; herpes simplex encephalitis, tuberculous meningitis and cause unknown. [1]
Analyse the CSF for:
- Microscopy
- Gram staining
- Culture and sensitivity
- Glucose, protein and PCR for herpes simplex and other viruses [1]
Contraindications are:
- GCS 8 or less or deteriorating
- Focal neurological signs or abnormal posture
- Prolonged seizure lasting 10 minutes or more and a GCS of 12 or less
- Shock
- Systemic meningococcal disease
- Signs of raised intracranial pressure: unilateral or bilateral dilated pupils or sluggish pupillary reaction
- Bradycardia or hypertension
- Abnormal breathing pattern