One cohort study [14] has shown that predictors of increased mortality in COPD include:
- Increasing age
- Significant co-morbidity
- Decreasing post bronchodilator FEV1
- Those patients already on long term oxygen therapy
- Increased number of COPD exacerbations, particularly those with 3 or more episodes
- Increased number of hospital admissions
A further UK audit [15] has shown death in 14% of patients admitted to hospital within 3 months of admission. The most important prognosticators for death in this group were:
- Poor performance status*
- Low arterial pH on admission*
- Presence of bilateral leg oedema*
- Age > 70 years
- Home circumstances, particularly if the patient is in a nursing home
- Unrecordable peak flow on admission
- Pulse oximetry showing oxygen saturation under 86%
- Intervention with assisted ventilation
The 3 marked with * were the 3 major independent predictors of mortality.