Removing Foreign Bodies

If an FB is demonstrated, it will usually need to be removed.

The x-ray is showing glass embedded in the foot (click on the x-ray to enlarge).

 How should you remove this piece of glass?

Finding an FB may be difficult. If it can be seen or felt, it can be removed under local anaesthesia. If it cannot be seen or felt, the inexperienced doctor should ask advice before trying to remove it. It is not urgent and it may be better to remove it electively.

Undoubtedly the easiest way to remove an FB is under general anaesthesia with the use of a tourniquet and an image intensifier, but this usually requires referral to an orthopaedic surgeon. An experienced doctor may elect to remove a foreign body in the ED under some type of local anaesthesia e.g. a foot block.

If there is more than one FB, the foot should be x-rayed after removal to ensure that there is no remaining FB.