Resuscitation phase
- Ensure patient airway, give high flow oxygen
- Obtain urgent IV access
- Measure baseline U&Es, blood glucose and venous blood gas
- Give a fluid bolus of 10ml/kg 0.9% saline
- If remains shocked after first bolus
- Give a second bolus of 10ml/kg
- Consider other causes for shock
- If remains shocked after second bolus
- Give a further bolus
- Consider discussion with paediatric intensive care team
Maintenance phase
- Once symptoms and signs of shock have resolved
- Calculate daily maintenance requirement
- Use 10% estimate for deficit calculation
- Consider adding potassium to fluids once serum level is known
- Monitor clinical and laboratory response to fluid therapy, adjust subsequent fluids as appropriate
- Discuss with paediatric team
Worked example
A 24kg child responded to a 10ml/kg fluid bolus and is no longer shocked. What is his initial hourly IV fluid requirement using the standard regime? What type of fluid would you prescribe?
Estimated deficit 10% for this category
Deficit = 10 X 24kg X 10 = 2400 ml
Daily maintenance = (100 ml/kg x 10 kg) + (50 ml/kg x 10 kg) + (20 ml/kg x 4 kg) = 1580 ml
Hourly requirement = (2400 + 1580) / 24 = 165 ml/hour if replacing over 24hrs
Consider adding potassium once serum levels are known