Hypercalcaemia has few physical examination findings specific to its diagnosis. Often it is the symptoms or signs of underlying malignancy that bring the patient with hypercalcaemia to seek medical attention.
The primary malignancy may be suggested by lung findings, skin changes, lymphadenopathy, or liver or spleen enlargement.
Hypercalcaemia can produce a number of non-specific findings, as follows:
Hypertension and bradycardia may be noted in patients with hypercalcaemia
Abdominal examination may suggest pancreatitis or the possibility of an ulcer
Patients with long-standing elevation of serum calcium may have proximal muscle weakness that is more prominent in the lower extremities and may have bony tenderness to palpation
Hyporeflexia and tongue fasciculations may be present
Anorexia or nausea may occur
Polyuria and dehydration are common
Lethargy, stupor or even coma may be observed
Long-standing hypercalcaemia may cause band keratopathy, but this is rarely recognised in the emergency department
If hypercalcaemia is as a result of sarcoidosis, vitamin D intoxication or hyperthyroidism, patients may have physical examination findings suggestive of those diseases.