Eye problems account for approximately 6% of all attendances to an ED in the UK [1], with an incidence of 17.2 ophthalmological emergencies per 1000 population per year. Injuries account for nearly half of the total [2].
Although around two thirds [1,3] of all eye problems are managed solely by the ED many trainee’s receive little or no training in ophthalmic emergencies in their post [4].
This lack of knowledge is reflected by studies highlighting poor assessment and examination of patients with eye problems presenting to the ED. In one, a third of patients did not have their visual acuity tested [4] and in another, a fifth of histories and 59% of examinations were judged to be inadequate [5].
Finally, another study demonstrated that emergency nurse practitioners out-performed junior doctors in all aspects of eye assessment and diagnosis [6].
Learning bite
Although two thirds of all eye problems can be managed solely by the Emergency Physician, equipment and training are deficient and clinical assessment by junior doctors is poor.
Good information