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A 60-year-old women is brought into the emergency department having had a number of episodes of fresh PR bleeding.
Which one of the following statements is true?
A 76-year-old male patient presents with a five hour history of passing large volumes of blood per rectum. Initial observations show a pulse of 120bpm, blood pressure 70/40mmHg, respiratory rate 20/min and oxygen saturations 95%.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the bleeding?
With reference to the patient described in the previous question, which initial action is the best option?
The same patient receives appropriate initial resuscitation, but remains unstable with a blood pressure of 80/30mm Hg, pulse 110bpm and evidence of ongoing bleeding.
Having involved the surgical team, the most appropriate and potentially definitive investigation for this patient is?
A 35-year-old women presents with a history of passing small amounts of fresh PR blood associated with pain and is diagnosed with an anal fissure. With regard to perianal conditions, which one of the following statements is correct?
A patient presents with features suggesting a lower GI bleed. You are trying to make an assessment of the severity of the bleed.
Which one of the following is not one of the BLEED criteria?
A 50-year-old lady presents with a history of fresh PR bleeding.
Which one of the following is true with regards to your initial history and examination ?
A 65-year-old female presents with a history of fresh PR bleeding. After initial resuscitation, the surgeons admit the patient and arrange a colonoscopy.
Which one of the following is correct?
Colonoscopy fails to identify and control the bleeding in the patient from the previous question.
Which is the next best option?
Angiography and super-selective embolisation is performed in the patient from the previous question. Unfortunately, on the following day the bleeding restarts and the patient again becomes unstable.
A decision is made to take the patient to theatre: which one of the following is true regarding surgery in a lower GI haemorrhage?
Great review
Thank you really good module especially cases
good refresher