A myasthenic crisis (MC) is an acute exacerbation of MG leading to:
About one-fifth of patients with MG experience a crisis, usually within the first two years of diagnosis [7].
Such crises should not be fatal, as long as patients receive timely respiratory support and appropriate immunotherapy to reduce the myasthenic weakness of the upper airway and respiratory muscles [8].
MC is more likely in patients whose history includes previous crisis, oropharyngeal weakness, or thymoma [9].
Learning bite
Approximately 20% of patients will experience a myasthenic crisis, characterised by airway compromise or respiratory failure.
In MC, the patient may look anxious with rapid and shallow breathing due to fatigue of respiratory muscles.
Paradoxical breathing and recruitment of accessory muscles with inspiration are important clinical signs.
Dysarthric speech and stridor indicate imminent airway obstruction (bulbar myasthenia) [10].
Cardiac arrhythmias, occur in about a fifth of patients with an MC [11].
Common precipitating factors for MC include:
Medications that may trigger MC include:
Bulbar myasthenia
Findings of bulbar myasthenia associated with upper airway compromise include:
Learning bite
MC is a life-threatening complication of MG. Respiratory failure requires early recognition and prompt management.