Author: Kaushila Thilakasiri / Editor: Steve Corry-Bass, Nick Tilbury / Codes: ACCS LO 2, NeuC6, SLO5 / Published: 03/11/2022
A 12-year-old girl is brought to the Emergency Department (ED) by her parents with a 1-day history of headache, fever, vomiting and lethargy associated with a rash which has been rapidly developing over the last 3 hours.
The child’s mother says that they migrated to England from Sri Lanka 2 weeks ago.
She was previously well with normal development and has no siblings.
On initial assessment:
- Airway – patent
- Breathing – RR 25 breaths/min, SpO2 98% on air,
- Circulation – Capillary Refill > 2 seconds, Pulse rate 114bpm, BP 100/60mmHg
- Disability – GCS 12/15 E-3, V-4, M-5, Blood sugar- 5.4mmol/l, pupils equal reactive to light,
- Exposure – temp 39C, generalised non-blanching purpuric rash. (see image). Mild-moderate dehydration is present, and you also note some neck stiffness.
Great Summary
Good revision, Thanks
good teaching. important not to miss or delay!
Highlighted importance of prompt action when the diagnosis is made or even suspected.Very good module-brief and loaded with medical knowledge and giving you a proper approach
Great summary and case
Good case. Good reminder of time critical steps to bear in mind.