There is no evidence to support the use of colloids or volume expanders in preference to crystalloids
There is evidence that rapid reduction in plasma osmolality increase risk of cerebral oedema[33] & hence, 0.45% saline should NOT be used in initial therapy
Initial intravenous therapy
0.9% saline with 20mmol potassium in 500ml now continues throughout treatment
When blood sugar is less than 14mmol/L OR if it drops more than 5mmol/L/hour glucose is added
NB: the insulin infusion is also adjusted (see next section)
When blood sugar <14 MMOL/L
0.9% saline & 5% glucose with 20mmol KCl in 500ml
If blood sugar <6MMOL/L
0.9% saline & 10% glucose with 20mmol KCl in 500ml
Do not stop the insulin infusion
If blood sugar <4MMOL/L
Give a 2ml/kg bolus of 10% glucose
Temporarily pause the insulin infusion for 1 hour.
NB: greater ketosis indicates a need for more insulin hence, higher concentrations of glucose are required to prevent hypoglycaemia