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Which one of the following statements regarding the physiology of pleural fluid is the most appropriate?
A 68-year-old man with known bronchial carcinoma presents with severe breathlessness, tachycardia and low blood pressure. Clinical examination reveals a stony dull right hemithorax and subsequent chest x-ray confirms massive pleural effusion with midline shift.
Select the single best option from the statements below.
Whilst reviewing chest radiograph reports of patients who have been recently discharged for the Emergency Department you come across one referring to a 58 year old woman who underwent chest radiography during an attendance with a cough. The report reads “…there is a small left sided pleural effusion. This was not present on the chest x-ray of 3 years ago.”
Select the single best option from the statements below.
A 72 year old man underwent diagnostic pleural fluid aspiration for a right sided pleural effusion. The following results were obtained:
Protein 29g/L
pH = 7.5
LDH = 231 IU/L
White Cells: 15% eosinophils
What can you deduce from these results?
With regards to the diagnostic analysis of pleural fluid samples choose one test which is of least clinical value in the acute setting.
A 48-year-old man presents with a 3 day history of right sided pleuritic chest pain, fever and a productive cough. His chest x-ray shows a moderate right sided pleural effusion with consolidation in the right mid and lower zones.
Select the most appropriate statement from those listed below.
With regards to a newly diagnosed pleural effusion, which of the following are false?
Which of the following statements about pleural effusions is true?
It is 3am and a patient is admitted to the ED with a large pleural effusion
Which of the following statements about chest drain insertion is not true?
Enjoyable read and Quiz. Thanks
Good, I enjoyed it too.Hope you are doing well Mohamed.
very good closure
Nice revision