Governance issues include:
Sadly, research and audit have continually identified avoidable morbidity and mortality from sedation. The most common recurring theme is the lack of formal training for the appropriate administration of sedative drugs and prompt recognition and treatment of sedation-related complications.
Given that deeper levels of sedation are indistinguishable from general anaesthesia, you should have the knowledge and skills to manage and rescue a patient from general anaesthesia. The College requires you to have successfully completed the Initial Assessment of Competence of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and have been accredited through a local training programme. [5]
The latter includes training in:
Learning Bite
If you are using propofol for sedation, you should be comfortable that your skills include managing general anaesthesia.
You should document patient evaluation, consent, data from monitoring during and after sedation and readiness for discharge. A dedicated, electronic, password-protected database is helpful. In addition, consider prospective use of an audit tool produced by an international consensus. [13]
Risk management
Ensure that the environment in which you use propofol includes the following facilities:
Audit process
To ensure appropriate governance of sedation within an institution, RCEM recommend a sedation committee and a nominated lead clinician for sedation. [6]
The TROOPS reporting tool [13] for adverse events should be considered as it focusses both on significant interventions (e.g., positive pressure ventilation) and outcomes (e.g. unplanned admission to hospital) without the need to define events in terms of ‘threshold’ or ‘duration’ which are often subject to clinician disagreement. It should be noted that often certain interventions (e.g., airway re-positioning) are an accepted part of PS and their performance does not necessarily signify a clinical error.
Learning Bite
There should be routine and transparent audit of your departmental sedation practice.