Author: Niamh Kelly / Editor: Sarah Edwards / Codes: PhC2, PhC3, PhC4, SLO3 / Published: 22/12/2022
A 24-year-old male presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with vomiting, diarrhoea and neck fasciculations.
He reports accidentally taking a sip from a Lucozade bottle containing ‘sheep dip’, thought to contain the substance Diazinon. He immediately develops profuse vomiting and diarrhoea at home.
He has no past medical history and has normal observations at triage.
On examination, he is GCS 15 with pinpoint pupils. He has neck fasciculation’s, is salivating and has rhinorrhoea. He is haemodynamically stable.
He deteriorates in the department with confusion, intermittent bradycardia, and increased respiratory secretions and is subsequently intubated in the ED.
great case.
Lots of farms around here so will try to remember this module.
Great Revision