Author: Zaina Soogun-Shah / Editor: Sarah Edwards / Codes: CC3, SLO3, SLO6 / Published: 08/07/2023
A 70-year-old man presents to Emergency Department (ED) with acute shortness of breath and significantly reduced exercise tolerance over the last few days. He had travelled from Leicester to London for his son’s graduation 3 days ago. Today, he is also experiencing light-headedness and nearly blacked out when mobilising earlier. He denies any chest pain or palpitations. He has a past medical history of an ischemic stroke 10 years ago that has left no residual deficits. His medications include a statin and aspirin 75mg. He is usually independent of all activities of daily living, goes out and gets his own shopping.
At triage, his heart rate (HR) is 38bpm, blood pressure (BP) 120/60, Respiratory Rate(RR) of 18, with normal oxygen saturations on air. He is afebrile.
Excellent review
Good review
Good review . Very important daily presentation to A&E.
Thank you
Good case. This is core Emergency Medicine. Good questions, with just enough ‘tempting but incorrect’ answers in the MCQ to make sure you are paying attention!
Rhythm strip would be very helpful with the ECG