Historically, the treatment for a large pneumothorax was insertion of a large drain (e.g. 28FG) through an incision in the chest wall.
During the last decade there has been a move towards inserting smaller drains percutaneously. Small drains (e.g. 8-14FG) have been shown to be associated with fewer complications (particularly subcutaneous emphysema) without prolonging time to resolution [17].
Small drains may be associated with a higher failure rate when draining very large pneumothoraces but currently this evidence is limited. In obese patients, the Seldinger technique may not be technically possible as the needle may be too short to traverse the chest wall. Whichever technique is used, insertion in the ‘safe triangle’ attempts to avoid injury to the long thoracic nerve and lateral thoracic artery, which sit in the mid-axillary line.
Safe triangle
The triangle is formed by the anterior border of latissimus dorsi posteriorly, the lateral aspect of pectoralis major anteriorly, and the 6th rib inferiorly forming an apex below the axilla. In young, thin males the nipple will lie in the 5th intercostal space. Insertion of the drain just above the underlying rib minimises the risk of injury to the intercostal bundle.
Seldinger technique
During the procedure, holding the dilators close to the chest wall should prevent excessive force of insertion or ‘a sudden give’. These are solid objects and on the left side the apex of the heart lie close to the insertion point. The BTS cautions that the dilator should not be inserted more than 1 cm deep to the skin.
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