Author: Jonathon Brown / Editor: Gavin Lloyd / Reviewer: Phil Delbridge / Codes: SLO4, SLO6, TC2, TP6, TP7 / Published: 13/02/2021
A 82-year-old woman presents with a likely dislocation of her hip prosthesis. She has a history of recurrent hip dislocation requiring a second hip revision two years ago. This is the first occasion this hip prosthesis has dislocated; she is distraught. On examination, her left leg is shortened and internally rotated. She is otherwise well save for mild hypertension and osteoarthritis. She has not eaten or drunk today.
This should happen in Ed if appropriate policies are in place for procedural sedation and qualified staff are available to perform said procedure
New point Learned
Constrained hip prosthesis uses a metal ring which will not let the femoral head to go back in to acetabulum on closed manipulation, therefore an open reduction is required.
revision of hip dislocation
good case