Author: Stephen Ojo / Editor: Steve Corry-Bass / Codes: ACCS LO 1, EnC6, SLO3  / Published: 24/07/2020

A 42-year-old male attends the emergency department with history of fever, feeling generally unwell and shortness of breath. He has been unwell for 3 days prior to presentation but was previously fit and well. 

He describes an associated weakness of both lower limbs a few hours prior to presentation which made him panic and called the ambulance. He was FAST negative. He’s had no contact with anyone symptomatic for COVID-19.

On Examination, he looks unwell with evidence of Hyperthermia (Temp of 40.1), dehydration and mild respiratory distress.

His Respiratory rate is 28/min, pulse rate 142 bpm  ( ECG shows Atrial Fibrillation with a fast ventricular response – not previously known) and his blood pressure is high at 190/120. 

The rest of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems examination is unremarkable.His neurological examination is also normal but he has evidence of generalised muscle weakness on both lower limbs.

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