The main clinical presentations are:
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A patient may first present with symptomatic mitral stenosis when she becomes pregnant because of the hyperdynamic state of the circulation. Balloon valvuloplasty may be needed to get through the pregnancy.
Clinical, ECG and CXR findings associated with mitral stenosis are to be found in Table 1.
Pulse |
Small volume, irregular (usually AF) |
Cardiac impulse |
Tapping apex due to palpable first heart sound (S1) |
Auscultation |
Loud first heart sound (S1) (in sinus rhythm), opening snap and rumbling mid-diastolic murmur. Early diastolic murmur of pulmonary regurgitation (Graham Steell murmur due to secondary pulmonary hypertension) |
Broad or biphasic p wave best seen in Lead 2 indicating LA hypertrophy. R axis deviation. AF common, RV hypertrophy in later stages |
Straightening of the left heart border indicating a dilated LA (double atrial shadow). Pulmonary congestion |
Other features |
Mitral facies: peripheral cyanosis of the cheeks |