Author: Olivia Hayward / Editor: Ella Harrison-Hansley, Steve Corry-Bass / Reviewer: Peter Kilgour / Codes: SLO4, TC2, TP10, TP7 / Published: 18/04/2021
A 28-year-old man accidentally stabbed himself in the hand with a knife while cutting avocados. He was unable to flex his left ring finger at all and had pins and needles in his left middle and ring finger. Xray of his hand showed no foreign bodies or bony injury. When asked to lay his hand in a neutral position, this is what the natural lie of his fingers was (see image)
Spot on.
Interesting case..good learning bite.thank you very much
Great revision of anatomy of the hand
Good reminder to assess full function ( flexor and extensor mechanism of the fingers when dealing with an injury to the hand
Educational lesson
good learning module
good explanation of hand injury