Author: Charlotte Elliott, Amelia Devine / Editor: Sarah Edwards / Codes: GC1, GP9, SLO3, SLO8 / Published: 23/04/2021
You are finishing seeing a sick patient in majors when an ECG Is presented to you which was taken at ambulance triage. ‘Will you have a look at this please doc?’.
It is for a 40-year-old female with a past medical history of alcohol excess who has been vomiting for at least 48 hours.
The ECG is presented in Figure 1.1
excellent refreshing knowledge on the subject .
Enjoyable realistic reminder of ECG changes in hypokalaemia
quick recision of basic ECG changes in Hypokalaemia
Nice case
This was short but easy to assimilate. Rarely seen but good to know.
Brilliant way to remember hypoK ECG features
Hypokalemia is as notorious as Hyperkalemia to create cardiac membrane electrical instability. Thanks for this ECG remainder when often the focus is on other types of dyselectrolytemias
concise and digestable information regarding hypokaleamia
Well presented
Good lesson
Quick reminder of ECG changes in hypokaleamia
Short and simple reminder to ECG changes in hypokalemia
particularly important point to consider the history of the patient when presented with an ECG
good points while reviewing ECG
good case
good brief ECG acse