Clinical Case Photophobia and Red Eye A 40-year-old female attends ED with a painful eye with worsening vision.
Clinical Case A Genuine Case of ‘Off Legs’ A 30-year-old lady presents to the ED feeling "numb from the waist down".
Clinical Case Painful Facial Rash A 65-year-old presents with a painful rash extending to the tip of the nose.
Clinical Case Do unequal pupils always indicate significant pathology? A 31-year-old female presents to the emergency department complaining of a dilated left pupil that has been noticed by a colleague at work.
Reference Eye Infections Most external eye infections pose little risk to life or vision. Orbital cellulitis is the exception
Learning Session Eye Infections This module will look at the assessment and management of infections affecting the external eye and the lacrimal apparatus.
Clinical Case Eye’ve got a terrible headache A 72-year-old male presents with distressing peri-orbital pain after pupil dilation.
Guideline Management of Pain in Adults – Guideline This guideline sets out the standards for timeliness of provision of analgesia and provides an approach to the delivery of analgesia for adult patients presenting to the ED.
Reference Ocular Trauma This session covers key points in common ocular trauma scenarios that the emergency physician may encounter.
Learning Session Ocular Trauma This module covers key points in common ocular trauma scenarios that the emergency physician may encounter.
SBA Ophthalmia Neonatorum A three-day-old infant is brought to the Emergency Department with rapidly worsening symptoms.