Medical Assessment of the Pregnant Patient in the Emergency Department
…obstetric team needs to know if the patient has perinatal mental health team input. Safeguarding and social services referrals may be needed – speak
…obstetric team needs to know if the patient has perinatal mental health team input. Safeguarding and social services referrals may be needed – speak
Author: Fiona Mendes / Editor: Yasmin Sultan / Codes: MHC1, MHC2, MHC3, MHC4, MHC5, MHC8, MHP1, MHP2, MHP4, MHP5, SaP2, SLO1, SLO7, XC3 / Published: 22/12/2021 A
…Mood Tracker Naturally online resources can only help so much and if you feel your mental health is having a major impact on your
…follow up and investigation of the potential sources of CO poisoning. The local Health Protection Unit will coordinate Environmental Health and Local Authority services
…for me. I think my approach would be different if we had an appropriate area for handover – but we don’t. Like many departments,
…nonsense. Can we bring him in, doc?” Under no circumstances. “Er… hold on a sec. Need to think about this a bit. Can you
…Ziprasidone, and Lorazepam for Acute Undifferentiated Agitation in the Emergency Department. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Apr;28(4):421-434. doi: 10.1111/acem.14124. Epub 2020 Oct 5. PMID: 32888340.
…Executive. Department of Health. Emergency Preparedness Division. (2005) The NHS Emergency Planning Guidance 2005. HEPTONSTALL, J and GENT, N. CBRN incidents: clinical management &
…to the life boat of Healthcare. Someone dying because of a failing healthcare system is equivalent to killing by letting the system fail. Dr
…health data science, emergency care, nursing and midwifery and mental health. You can read more about the NIHR Incubator scheme here. The NIHR Incubator
…(MetHb) in the blood [1, 2]. In health, MetHb is < 1% (of total haemoglobin) Physiology of haemoglobin Red blood cells contain haemoglobin (Hb).
…chronic ill health and debility (esp. cardiac, respiratory and neurological) Mental illness Drugs (diuretics, beta-blockers, alcohol, stimulants, phenothiazines, anticholinergics) Lack of air-conditioning (lower socioeconomic