This session covers the assessment and management of patients with acute liver failure.…

This session covers the assessment and management of patients with acute liver failure.…
This session covers key points in common ocular trauma scenarios that the emergency physician may encounter.…
This session is based upon the RCEM College Best Practice guideline on Ketamine Procedural Sedation for Children in the Emergency Department.…
This session encompasses the evaluation and treatment of individuals who are either identified as having or presenting to the ED with signs and symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenia.…
This session focusses on the emergency department care of patients post-cardiac arrest i.e. after the return of spontaneous circulation.…
This session covers the assessment and management of epistaxis in the emergency department.…
This session provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-pro…
Serratus anterior plane block can be used as multimodal analgesia for rib fractures in the trauma patient. This session outlines the ultrasound guided technique.…
This session describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking…
This session provides an introduction to Brief Unexplained Resolved Events. It covers the definition, differential diagnoses, how to stratify patients into low or high risk and the subsequent manageme…
Sudden visual loss is a presentation one should expect and be prepared to see, as an emergency physician.…
This session is about assessment and management of patients presenting with palpitations to the emergency department.…
This session identifies the clinical features of acute behavioural disturbance (ABD) and covers the initial assessment and management of patients with ABD in the ED.…
This session discusses the pathophysiology that leads to the clinical manifestations of Sickle Cell disease and outline the assessment and management of the patients.…
This session will cover the practical aspects of safe insertion of chest drains.…
In UK ED practice a large group of patients present with musculo-skeletal disorders…
Dyspnoea is an overall term used to describe an unpleasant awareness of increased respiratory effort and will be used synonymously with “breathlessness” in this session.…
The child with decreased consciousness is a common problem with many possible diagnoses and potentially high mortality and morbidity.…
AKI in children is associated with an increased risk of death, prolonged hospital stay and the development of chronic kidney disease. This session provides an approach to assessment and management of …
DVT typically presents in the lower limb, although it can also rarely occur in the upper limb.…