Refresh your knowledge on this latest outbreak.
This blog discusses the preparation, assessment and management of the patients presenting with maxillofacial injuries.
Poor old lumbar spine – it does a lot of the heavy lifting for the body but probably doesn’t get anywhere near the attention of the cervical spine when it comes to trauma.
A 12-year-old boy presents to your local ED complaining of a 2-day history of chest pain.
An 8-year-old girl is brought to the ED by her mother after having fallen from a climbing frame.
Serratus anterior plane block can be used as multimodal analgesia for rib fractures in the trauma patient. This module outlines the ultrasound guided technique.
An 18-year-old male self-presents to the ED 36 hours after falling from a rooftop while intoxicated.
Best practice standards for safe procedural sedation. Includes choice of pharmacological agents and suggested doses. Sets out recommended staffing, competencies, monitoring, location, and discharge criteria.
Patients attending emergency departments (ED) following discharge of controlled electrical devices (CED) by the Police Service.
This month we are discussing paed nail bed repair, Sickle Cell Disease, James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership for Major Trauma and New Online.
This session provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-procedure management and complex cases are also covered