Best practice standards for safe procedural sedation. Includes choice of pharmacological agents and suggested doses. Sets out recommended staffing, competencies, monitoring, location, and discharge criteria.
Patients attending emergency departments (ED) following discharge of controlled electrical devices (CED) by the Police Service.
This month we are discussing paed nail bed repair, Sickle Cell Disease, James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership for Major Trauma and New Online.
This session provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-procedure management and complex cases are also covered
This module provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-procedure management and complex cases are also covered.
Serratus anterior plane block can be used as multimodal analgesia for rib fractures in the trauma patient. This session outlines the ultrasound guided technique.
This session describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking after victims of violence.
This module describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking after victims of violence.
In the past, paediatric lacerations requiring sutures often required admission and a general anaesthetic for wound closure. This blog looks at how we can provide timely, cost effective and acceptable management in the ED that avoids this paradigm.
This month we have: New in EM - Clonidine for pain, Guidelines for EM - NEXUS Chest CT Rule, an interview with Matt Reed, Coca cola for food boluses and New Online.
A man in his 20s attends the ED after injuring his foot while playing football.