
Submission advice

We advise that the Clinical Case is evidence-based, relevant to the UK Emergency Medicine and has a clear learning outcome. The case scenario should consist of a short paragraph and may include a set of observations, together providing the information required to answer the multiple choice questions (MCQs) that follow. References must be made to relevant sources. If you use any images, please provide the source or patient consent. You can check out all our Clinical Cases here.

Content Details

This should make it clear what the Case topic is, but without giving away the answers

Keywords to enable users to search for the session. You can have as many as you like just separate them with a comma. At least 5 words.

This is a very short case summary that will be fitted into the ‘front end’ to attract the learner into the case (less than 30 words)

A summary on how the patient presents in the ED and any relevant history and background info, etc. (250 words max)

Including multiple choice options
Explain the reasoning of why the answer options are correct and incorrect
Including multiple choice options
Explain the reasoning of why the answer options are correct and incorrect
Including multiple choice options
Explain the reasoning of why the answer options are correct and incorrect
Please include 3-4 KLPs in bullet points

References to relevant literature and guidelines must be provided in Vancouver style to be eligible for publication. E.g. 1. Cadogan D. Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT) Life in the Fast Lane. 2019 [Accessed 5 March 2019]. Please make sure all references and guidelines are open access where possible and include URLs.


By clicking submit you confirm that your submission is all your original work – all submissions will be checked for plagiarism.