A 29-year-old male is working a shift behind the bar and complains of feeling dizzy. He collapses and makes a quick recovery. This is not the first time.
Diagnosis of thoracic aortic dissection in adult patients attending the emergency department. CT Aortogram is modality of choice for chest pain with high risk past medical history, symptoms, or clinical signs.
Using PoCUS to identify the abdominal aorta is an important skill and a curriculum requirement for completion of EM training. Can you identify all the relevant structures using ultrasound?
A young lady, 13 weeks pregnant presents with one day history of left lower limb swelling, pain and discolouration. Bedside ultrasonography reveals thrombosis occluding the CFV and collateral veins.
As I write this, it’s aortic dissection awareness day. Not another blog on AAD I hear you cry…But we thought you might all like an update and a consolidation on what is happening in the world of this black swan diagnosis.
This month is in 2 parts. Part 1 has LoDED Study, Trauma Top 5 Papers, Neurosurgical Emergencies. Part 2 has New in EM - Peripheral pressors, VTE Guidelines, New in EM - Thirst guided IV fluid
This is the first in a series of monthly Guidelines podcasts. This month @AndyNeill joins @maxirebecca to discuss the recent Chest Guidelines on Antithrombotic Therapy for VTE disease