
SBA Revise 6

A set of 10 SBA sample questions to help you revise. The Questions have been selected at random covering the curriculum.
A set of 10 SBA sample questions to help you revise. The Questions have been selected at random covering the curriculum.
Principles of consent in view of recent case law
This is the third of our public health series blogs. Keep your eyes peeled for more public health topics to follow in future blogs.
This is the second blog in our public health series. Keep your eyes peeled for more public health goodness to follow in future blogs.
This is the first of our public health series blogs. Keep your eyes peeled for a few more public health topics over the next few weeks.
Starting from scratch to turn your ED green is a challenge. When I took on the sustainability lead in our department recently, it took me a few months to work out where to start and how to make things change. I thought it would be useful to share some of the things I have learned along the way.
What do we do if we are made aware of an incident? How do we investigate a serious incident and write a report? How do we share the learning?
We’ve written this blog to emphasise some of the key points around risk, highlight some common terminology, and point out some common misunderstandings.
A set of 10 Multiple choice questions to help you revise. The Questions have been selected at random covering the curriculum.
Bed blocked again, what can we do!
Human Factors is a term that’s often used when talking about events that happen in the ED, and many people, including us, had a lack of awareness of the full scope of human factors, and how it applies to emergency medicine.