Best practice advice on how Emergency Departments should implement screening programmes and balance these with the need to assess and treat acute illness and injury.
This session describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking after victims of violence.
This module describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking after victims of violence.
An explosion has occurred at a nearby chemical plant and your emergency department is the nearest healthcare facility. Are you ready to handle this major incident?
Nikki Abela and Liz Herrieven have treated themselves to the RCEM PEM Conference in Manchester on 21/3/2023 – World Down Syndrome Day. Put on your #LotsOfSocks for the day and have a read to see what they learned.
Where does PEM fit in with EM? Children make up about 25-30% of attendances to mixed EDs nationally, so all EM consultants must possess at least basic paediatric skills.
You are working on a rapid response vehicle (RRV) as a part of a PHEM-rotation and attend a ‘red’ call: “3-year-old cardiac arrest. Unsupervised child fallen into outdoor pond. Not breathing. Not responsive”.
Handover of critical care patients carries significant potential risk. Misunderstanding, misinterpretation or omitted information can have significant adverse impact on patient outcome.
Handover of critical care patients carries significant potential risk. Misunderstanding, misinterpretation or omitted information can have significant adverse impact on patient outcome.
I was on a night shift, in a major trauma centre, still an ST3 at the time. We were actually having a nice night shift in not so cold weather. There was still a little flow of patients, we had some room in resus and our minors area was pretty empty. Some may even brave the "Q" word.
This month we have a discussion on the Manchester Bombing | Scribes in the ED | TERN TIRED | PTX and haemothorax in the CT era | Horse Trauma | Roc Rocks - ED RSI with Rocuronium or Suxamethonium
The 2017 RCEM CPD conference was held in central London in April 2017. There was a great selection of speakers and we had the good fortune to capture a few interviews with some of the speakers
This podcast covers the Best Practice Guideline on Information Sharing to Prevent Community Violence, which can be found along with all the other guidelines on the main RCEM site.
So what is a major incident? Simply put, it is any incident that requires an extraordinary response from health services - ambulance services, primary care, community services and hospital Trusts